It is a very exciting time for ICF San Diego. Our first event of 2019, Somatic Competence for Elevating Presence-Based Coaching, was an amazing experience. A capacity crowd of coaches fully engaged in exploring how our non-cognitive being impacts the relationship we have with our clients. Everyone in attendance gained new insights and awareness about how they “show up” somatically. A special thank you to our presenters, Anne Egseth and Stefano Olmeti.
This month, we are kicking off our first Special Interest Group (SIG) which will focus on assisting our members in reaching their ACC credential or moving to the PCC or MCC level. The group will meet virtually via ZOOM and our goal will be to create a clear understanding of the ICF credential requirements, determine what each individual needs to meet those requirements, and provide motivation and accountability. If you are interested in participating, email me at
ICF Global has launched its 2019 membership renewal campaign, and I encourage each of you to take the time to renew your ICF Membership. Our ICF San Diego Chapter now has over 150 members and we hope you will remain a part of this growing family. Please don’t put it off. Renew today!
Finally, our ICF San Diego Board will hold its semi-annual retreat in February to revise our strategic plan. If you have anything you would like our board to consider during this meeting, please send your suggestions to me at
Make it a great month and we hope to see you soon!
Charles Furman
President, ICF San Diego