• April 03, 2020 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    Hi, everyone:

    I hope this month's newsletter finds you safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. As our sheltering-in-place continues, we at ICF San Diego have been brainstorming about the ways we can support you. As always, we are committed to fostering a thriving community of coaches in the San Diego area.

    As we all practice social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we do not want that physical separation to create emotional distancing as well. In that spirit, we've transitioned our next few months of programming to a virtual format. We hope you can join us:

    We're eager to support you however we can during this challenging time. If you have ideas for ways we can do that, please submit them here.

    Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay home!


    Lynn Levis

    Chapter President

    ICF San Diego

  • March 10, 2020 11:28 AM | Anonymous

    Hi, everyone:

    It's membership renewal season at ICF! 

    Like many of you, I became a coach because I'm passionate about helping my clients learn and grow. At ICF San Diego, it's our goal as a chapter to help our members learn and grow as coaches, too. ICF membership represents the highest quality of professional coaching, and we as an organization are working to raise the standard for our industry. 

    ICF San Diego members enjoy:

    • Discounted registrations to our educational sessions, "networkshops," and webinars, each eligible for ICF continuing education units
    • Opportunities to participate in Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
    • Access to our members-only portal, including resources from past presentations and a Members Forum to share information
    • Listing in our Find a Coach page on our website (credentialed members only)
    • A voice in our annual member survey, which will solicit and utilize member feedback to plan upcoming events and offerings

    As an ICF Member, you’ll also enjoy the credibility and community that come with identifying yourself as a member of the world’s largest community of professionally trained coaches. 

    Current members, please be sure to renew today to ensure you continue to receive these benefits! If you are a coach considering becoming a member for the first time, you can join us here. We'd love to welcome you into our community! Please be sure to designate San Diego as your local chapter to gain access to all the benefits listed above.

    I look forward to seeing you soon!


    Lynn Levis

    Chapter President

    ICF San Diego

  • February 07, 2020 11:26 AM | Anonymous

    Hi, everyone:

    I don't know about you, but I often find that once the excitement of a new year wears off and I'm faced with the many things on my plate, those "resolutions" can be difficult to prioritize. 

    But as ICF coaches, one of our core competencies in supporting our clients is "planning and goal setting." So how can we ensure we are doing it ourselves? Our February monthly event is a Networkshop on this very topic, so if you could benefit from some tools and resources, I hope you'll join me there next week!

    See you soon,
    Lynn Levis
    President, ICF San Diego

  • January 06, 2020 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    This is a sponsored job posting.

    Pacific College of Oriental Medicine is seeking dynamic adjunct faculty for the Master of Science (Health and Human Performance) for Interpersonal skills coaching.

    In addition to specialized subject matter expertise, knowledge of its application to coaching is a positive.

    Health and human performance coaching: Interpersonal skills (3 units) 

    Students hone their coach-client communication and interpersonal skills. Integral to these, students research personality types and traits, and consider the role of empathy, intuition, compassion, body language, and more. Students learn to teach clients methods by which they can be more effective in their personal and professional communication.

    Minimum/Required Qualifications:

    • International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certification
    • Master’s degree and/or preeminent scholarship in the subject
    • Passionate about teaching at the graduate level
    • Classroom-based teaching experience at the graduate level
    • Availability to teach late afternoon, evenings and or weekends
    Desired Qualifications:
    • MCC or PCC ICF certification
    • Online teaching experience at the graduate level
    • Familiarity with Moodle, PowerPoint and APA writing style 

    Application deadline: January 24, 2020.  To apply, please send a cover letter describing course of interest, experience and qualifications with resume/CV to 

    Pacific College of Oriental Medicine is one of the oldest and largest accredited institutions training practitioners of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and massage. It now also offers degrees in health and human performance coaching, and nursing. Founded in 1986, Pacific College has campuses in New York, San Diego, and Chicago, and features an esteemed faculty of professors from around the globe that conduct ongoing research and educate approximately 1500 students every year.

    We offer the opportunity to work with a dynamic team of professionals. We are committed to creating a diverse community of faculty, staff, and students.

    Pacific College of Oriental Medicine is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants are considered on the basis of their qualifications for the position without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, disability, veteran's status or any other personal trait protected by federal, state or local law.

  • January 04, 2020 10:24 AM | Anonymous

    First published in Coaching World in August 2019 by the International Coaching Federation.

    Leadership starts within. As leaders, we naturally and inevitably bring ourselves into our work. The same is true with leadership coaches: In order to serve and support leaders, coaches need to be able to access themselves in a way that they can use themselves as instruments.

    A familiar scene comes to mind: Before an airplane takes off, the flight attendant reviews the safety instructions and informs you that, in the event of an emergency, oxygen masks will be available. “Be sure to put your own oxygen mask on first,” the flight attendant warns, “before trying to help others.”

    In what ways can coaches put on their own oxygen masks so that they can better support leaders? What does this “inner work” really look like in practice, and how can coaches do it? Try this three-step process:

    Step One: Pause

    How many leaders truly take the time to pause? In today’s hyper-connected, always-on world, it’s certainly a difficult task. But the benefits abound: By integrating a “pause practice” throughout a busy day, leaders create the space to be more attentive and productive when they return to work.

    Leadership coaches have the same opportunity. Despite experiencing the same distractions, it is our chief responsibility as coaches to be truly present with our clients so that we can support them on their growth journeys. What might this look like for you as a coach? Perhaps it means taking three deep breaths before a coaching call. Maybe it’s a slow, mindful walk around the block before going into a coaching meeting. Maybe you meditate, do yoga, or run. In whatever way possible, choose to stop and still your mind, every day, for even just a moment. Any amount of time is a helpful start…for you, and your clients.

    Step Two: Listen

    We know that our job as coaches is built on the skill of listening to our clients. But what about listening to ourselves? This is especially helpful when integrated with those moments of pause. When you quiet your mind, what do you hear? What ideas pop up? What insights do you have? What do you learn about yourself?

    By modeling a sense of curiosity about your inner self, you demonstrate to your clients the power of this type of learning. As coaches, we know that silence is a powerful tool, one that often leads our clients to their own insights and aha! moments, in part because they were given the time and space to bring them to the surface themselves. Give yourself this same gift, and you will find you gain similar insights…as long as you are truly listening.

    Step Three: Connect

    Every coach’s inner work is a little different because we are all different people, and that’s part of the work itself: connecting to the unique gifts you bring to your role as a leadership coach and embodying them in a way that is authentic to you.

    We often think about connection as an external act, but in this process, think of it is an internal one. Ask yourself: What is true for me? What is important in this scenario? How can I bring my inner beliefs and values to the surface here? When you make the time to pause and create the space to listen, the act of connecting to your inner self becomes easier. Over time and with practice, anchoring yourself in those beliefs and values will give you a much deeper capacity for self-expression…which is a wonderful thing for us as coaches to model for our clients.

    In the end, the process of inner work is about staying true to your intentions as a leadership coach. During tough conversations or challenging coaching sessions, it can feel easier to acquiesce to the situation at hand. Though it may seem more difficult, choosing to lean into the inner work will yield greater returns in the long-run. So pause and be present, listen deeply and take time to reflect, and engage in a way that is true to yourself and your coaching philosophy. There is no better way to serve today’s leaders.

  • January 03, 2020 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    Happy New Year, friends! I hope you enjoyed a restful holiday season with your loved ones and that you're gearing up for a great year in 2020.

    We at ICF San Diego are hitting the ground running this year with two programs in the month of January. See our January newsletter for details, and I hope to see you this month!

    Cheers to a great year,

    Lynn Levis

    ICF San Diego

    Chapter President

  • December 09, 2019 11:00 AM | Anonymous

    We on the Board of Directors for ICF San Diego are ending 2019 with a deep sense of gratitude.

    First, we're grateful for our community. With 188 members and counting after just two years as a Chapter, we couldn't be more thankful for the engagement and participation of our membership. We look forward to continuing to connect with you all in 2020!

    As we move into next year, we remain focused on providing high caliber professional development opportunities for the San Diego coaching community. We're proud of the great offerings we had this past year, and in the spirit of gratitude, be sure to check out my blog post thanking our 2019 speakers!

    We also owe our appreciation to a number of our Founding Board members who are ending their two-year terms with us:

    • Bob Little, Treasurer
    • Felicia Lyon, Secretary
    • Kelby Kupersmid, Director
    • Arthur Schwartz, Director

    These leaders have contributed countless hours of time and talent to bring ICF San Diego to where it is today. To Bob, Felicia, Kelby, and Arthur: I will miss working with you all, and on behalf of all of our members, I thank you for all you've for our Chapter!

    Lastly, I want us to take a moment to recognize ICF San Diego's Founding President, Charles Furman. We appreciate his dedication over the last two years in bringing this Chapter to life, because we wouldn't be here without his leadership! I encourage you all to join us at our Holiday Social next week so we can toast Charles as he moves into his Past President role.

    I wish you all a happy holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you in 2020.

    All my best,

    Lynn Levis

    ICF San Diego President-Elect

  • December 07, 2019 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    Written by Lynn Levis and Diana Long

    In 2019, we enjoyed high caliber speakers and educational programming that stretched us, challenged us, and help us grow as coaches and individuals. We want to personally thank each and every speaker for contributing their time and expertise to the growth of our community.

    We offered six educational programs this year, coordinated by our Director of Programming, Diana Long:

    • In January, Anne Egseth and Stefano Olmeti had all of us up and moving, learning about somatic competence for elevating coaching presence in this interesting and interactive session. 
    • Mary Andrews and Brian Conlon joined us in March and encouraged us to ‘play big’ and more deeply explore goal setting and managing progress and accountability. They taught us how to ask more empowering questions so that our clients can tap their inner motivation for action plans.
    • In May, Sezin Hason facilitated an experience using Points of You, a card deck based on phototherapy that serves to expand one’s point of view, create new awareness, and build connections with one-on-one clients and groups. With our partner-sharing and then full-room debriefs, we had a dynamic and lively discussion.
    • September's presentation was all about agile coaching, and Alicia McLain and John Eisenschmidt provided an overview of how this process is used for guiding teams in organizations to create effective outcomes.
    • Aleksey Groshenko and Souheyla Ford took us on a journey in October, teaching us how to understand different levels of the spiral dynamic model, helping to make it relative to where we see ourselves and others. We had the opportunity to have table discussions, exploring new ways to ask questions based on different levels.
    • We were honored to host Doug Riddle in November. He challenged us to look through a metaphorical lens with our clients, and we stretched ourselves as coaches to go beyond just asking questions about the client's story and rather to play with metaphors.

    Please join me in thanking each speaker that shared their expertise with our Chapter in 2019!

    PS. As many of you know, we've also done a number of Networkshops -- lightly facilitated networking and learning events at which you all bring your expertise and share it with the group! These events are a continuous success thanks to our Director of Membership, John Murphy, and he'd love your feedback on these events and what topics you'd like to see in 2020. Feel free to contact him and share your ideas!

  • October 23, 2019 8:00 AM | Anonymous

    Hi, everyone:

    I'm writing this post to share more information about getting involved with ICF San Diego. I'm thrilled that there has been so much interest, and I thought it'd be helpful to write a post to put all our information in one place.

    I'd like to start by emphasizing that we do not take the gift of your time and dedication lightly. We are grateful for all of our volunteers, and want to ensure that the time you give to ICF San Diego is enriching and meaningful for you. To that end, we will work with anyone who is interested in volunteering in any capacity to find the right match for their time and talents.

    Board members must be ICF Members in good standing and maintain membership during time of service. Board terms are typically two years in length, and annual commitments include:

    • Attendance at two in-person planning meetings
    • Attendance on two conference calls
    • Regular attendance at monthly events (at no cost)

    The following positions are/will be soon available:


    The Secretary maintains and oversees all official records of activities of ICF San Diego. Duties will include recording minutes at all Board meetings and retreats, managing Board succession documentation, coordinating and managing regular meetings, and overseeing the annual election process. 

    Monthly time commitment: approximately 3-5 hours.


    The Treasurer oversees all financial aspects of ICF San Diego. Duties include monitoring expenses and revenue, recommending financial policies for Board approval, maintaining Chapter financial records, provide monthly and year-end financial reports to the Board, and developing and maintaining annual Chapter budget. 

    Monthly time commitment: approximately 5-7 hours.

    Director of Event Operations 

    The Director of Event Operations  oversees all operational aspects of our chapter's events. Duties include coordinating event logistics, overseeing the onsite registration process, supporting presenters, and taking photos and videos during events. 

    Monthly time commitment: approximately 5-7 hours.

    If any of these positions interest you or if you'd like to serve our Board in another way, please complete the Expression of Interest Form. Our Nominating Committee will accept expressions of interest until an extended deadline of Friday, October 25, 2019.

    For more information on any of these positions or to volunteer for ICF San Diego in a committee/support role, please contact me anytime at

    Thank you!
    Lynn Levis, President-Elect
    ICF San Diego

  • June 06, 2019 10:34 PM | Anonymous

    The ICF San Diego Board of Directors seeks qualified members to join the leadership team. We are volunteer-led organization that thrives on the commitment and dedication of members who want to give back to the coaching profession. Would you like to  contribute your time and talents? The following positions are/will be soon available:

    • Secretary
    • The Secretary maintains and oversees all official records of activities of ICF San Diego. Duties will include recording minutes at all Board meetings and retreats, managing Board succession documentation, coordinating and managing regular meetings, and overseeing the annual election process. Monthly time commitment: approximately 5 hours.
    • Treasurer 
    • The Treasurer oversees all financial aspects of ICF San Diego. Duties include monitoring expenses and revenue, recommending financial policies for Board approval, maintaining Chapter financial records, provide monthly and year-end financial reports to the Board, and developing and maintaining annual Chapter budget. Monthly time commitment: approximately 5-10 hours.
    • Director of Event Operations 
    • The Director of Event Operations  oversees all operational aspects of our chapter's events. Duties include coordinating event logistics, overseeing the onsite registration process, supporting presenters, and taking photos and videos during events. Monthly time commitment: approximately 5-10 hours.

    Board members must be an ICF Member in good standing and maintain membership during time of service. Board terms are typically two years in length, and annual commitments include:

    • Attendance at two in-person planning meetings
    • Attendance on two conference calls
    • Regular attendance at monthly events (at no cost)

    For more information on these positions or to volunteer for ICF San Diego in any capacity, please contact President-Elect Lynn Levis at

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